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Project information

Open PLC European research alliance for new generation PLC integrated network - Phase 2 - Contract no.: 26920

S. Alexandres J.D. Muñoz Frías C. Rodríguez-Morcillo J.A. Rodríguez-Mondéjar

January 2007 - December 2008

Funding entity Comisión Europea

Participated by Iberdrola SA, Fundacion Robotiker, Universitaet Karlsruhe (TH), Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Technische Universitaet Dresden, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Universitat Ramon Ilull, Fundacio Privada, Distribuidora Industrial de Automatismos y Teletransmision SA, Elektro Ljubljana Javno Podjetje za Distribucijo Elektricne Energije D.D., Eichhoff GMBH, Edev Cpl Technologie SA, Linz Strom GMBH fuer Energieerzeugung, -Verteilung und Telekommunikation, Current Technologies International GMBH, Union Fenosa Redes de Telecomunicacion S.L., Power Plus Communications AG, Companhia Energetica de Goias, Schneider Electric Powerline Communications AB, Diseno de Sistemas en Silicio S.A., Onitelecom - Infocomunicacoes, S.A., Eutelis Consult Italia & Associates - S.R.L., Telvent Energia y Medio Ambiente SA, Camara oficial de Comercio e Industria de Madrid, EDP Inovacao SA

Power Line Communication (PLC) is a broadband telecommunication technology able to use the existing electricity networks for data transmission purposes, allowing any user connected to the power grid to benefit from Information Technology based services easily and avoiding expensive and pollutant new wiring in their houses and cities.
The strategic objective of this Opera proposal is to push PLC technology in all the different and relevant aspects (standardization, technology improvement, installation tools and processes, telecom services, intelligent grid services, dissemination) so as to allow the technology to become a competitive alternative that offers broadband access service to all European citizens using the most ubiquitous infrastructure.
This future development of the PLC technology will contribute to develop the European Information Society in full concordance with the proposed objectives in the plan eEurope 2005 by means of:
- Increase of competition in the internet broadband access network: PLC networks can be quickly and easily deployed without large investments by using the existing electricity networks. PLC is an alternative, competitive, and ubiquitous solution for access and in-home distribution that will contribute to have a real alternative last-mile access network.
- Fostering Mass Services availability: PLC features such as transparent integration with different communication technologies (WiFi, etc.) and complete end-user coverage will contribute to the deployment of value-added-services over broadband such as: smart home, video streaming, e-health, VoIP, etc.
- European Industry Leadership: PLC technology know-how and technical excellence are currently located in Europe. It represents an extraordinary opportunity for the development, competitiveness and leadership of European Broadband Industry that will contribute to the creation of employment, to the development of the Information Society Technologies in Europe and to the socio-economic prosperity in EU.
The OPERA project had an estimated duration of 48 months. The project was divided into two phases, 24 months each. The 1st phase was funded by European Commission.